Activity of the Week 

Each week we share an activity of the week for children in each of our three rooms.

The activities are shared via the ‘Famly’ app and are also on displays in our each cloakroom. The activities link to learning that is taking place in the nursery. They also give parents/carers the opportunity to upload their own photos and observations to their child’s learning journal on ‘Tapestry’.

Reading at Fledglings


We know that language acquisition in the early years, of which reading is a big part, is essential for getting children ready to do well when they move on and that children who experience a language and literacy rich early years environment will do better in school.

  • Children in the nest room take home a nursery rhyme bag. Parents and carers are encouraged to share the rhymes and actions with their child.

  • Children in the tree room take home a copy of the topic book each term to share at home

  • Children in the sky room have a home reading book which is changed each week. Parents and carers are encouraged to comment in a home/nursery reading diary.

We encourage all parents and carers to sign up to the ‘Dolly Parton Imagination Library’, a free book gifting programme. Children in Doncaster are eligible to receive a high quality book in the post each month from birth to five years. Forms are included in our registration packs and more information can be found by clicking here.

Click on the following handouts for information on reading with your child at home